EP 25 | Reach Loan Officer Freedom: How to Fearlessly Steer Your Business to Success with Carl White
Aug 01, 2023Tim Braheem Interviews Carl White
In this episode Tim sits down with Carl White. Carl is a mortgage marketing expert and the CEO of Mortgage Marketing Animals. He is also a branch manager of a successful mortgage branch and the host of The Loan Officer Freedom podcast. He has been teaching marketing to Loan Originators for well over a decade and has helped many originators gain a competitive edge in the market place. In this conversation, he and Tim break down Carl's formula for database marketing and marketing to Realtors.
- Carl's four step formula for calling your database.
- The great misunderstanding about social media marketing and why we are spending too much time in this area.
- The frequency by which you should be connecting with your database annually.
- Why the key to marketing is knowing your numbers.
- The importance of your message being authentic.
You don't want to miss this interview!